Saturday, December 8, 2012



I hate getting backed up on blogging because then I have too much to cover so lets keep this basic with a few words and a bunch of pics!

The night we came in after family dinner we headed to the dog tracks

One of my younger brothers!

Shane's first time ever at the dog track holding up his bet.

After the tracks we headed out to see my friend Kaity! It's always great to see my girlfriends!


Saturday I was able to spend some time with my niece!!! One of the most wonderful women I know had the most gorgeous daughter 4 months ago and we finally got to meet. I can't get enough of her!

Alexie Charlotte

Love her so much!

The beautiful mother of my niece! ( '', ) So Happy to see my girls!

At night we went to a country bar for my youngest brothers 21st birthday!! 
Happy Birthday Joey!

Cousin Paul shooting pool.

Brother Sam

Brother Joey

I only managed to get pictures of pool, but our night was full of cold beverages and line dancing as well. I had a great time and some really fun memories. 


As for Sunday.. I slipped out early to hang out with Kim and Alexie! I have been dying to take some pictures of the beauty so we had our own little photo shoot! I decided I love taking baby pictures and I need to get a nice camera ( I used Kim's ). We had such a good time with the baby shoot that we went back out for a family shoot later in the day. 

Our model for the afternoon! She was loving it!

Little Snow Angel

Beauty Queen

Alexie and Mommy

Alexie and Daddy

Most beautiful eyes!

Sunday night was pretty great as well. My mother is wonderful and so since Shane and I missed thanksgiving she had my family wait until we got there to celebrate! The food was delicious and it was great to spend some time with the fam! 


Monday was a blur of a day. Shane and I took a drive down the beach and then went back to the house to hang out with my oldest brother Sam. Dinner and drinks later at night with my good friend Billy at Applebee's!


Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday

Sea World and Disney Christmas! It was a long day full of fun! We drove up to Orlando early in the morning and met up with one of my oldest friends, Elena! Then we all spent the day at Sea World!

New best friend

This guy only smiled like this for Shane! New favorite picture!

Fish Tank Bar

Resturant walls... 

Cute sea lion show! 

The Polar Express! (My lovely friend Elena)

Shamu Family Show!

I have been waiting to get some pictures from Elena of Disney (we used her camera) but will skip them for now. After Sea world we headed to Disney for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party! I love Disney Christmas because they light up the castle, have fake snow down main street, and give you endless cookies and hot coco. What more could a girl ask for. It was such a great night! They only sell a limited amount of tickets, so we didn't have to wait in any lines the whole night. Favorite part of all was the fire works show! I love fireworks!! 

Magical as always!


Wednesday not so magical! We drove home from Orlando and Shane was running a fever all day. I contemplated changing our flight for the next morning because I was worried about putting him on a plane, but we decided we have been away from home for too long and so he fought it out. He rested up all day, and at night I had to sneak out to say goodbye to everyone.

My big brother and I! :)

Goodbye to my sweet baby Alexie and momma Kim!

And most importantly my mom! I miss her every day but luckily she is only a phone call away and likes to talk to me!


Thursday Shane was still running his fever but we managed to hop on a plane and make it home to Tucson! His mom had a doctors appointment all set up, so when we got back he went and he got some antibiotics for his ear infection. It's great being back to our sweet cat, Chewbacca! We both missed him like crazy! Looking forward to getting Shane feeling better so we can catch up with all of my friends here in town. Otherwise Vacation is over and we are home safe and had the time of our lives. If anyone asks about it I am just going to give them my blog site because I am pretty sure I covered all of the basics in here. Adios!

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